Write and broadcast your CV and cover letter

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A guide during the whole cover letter writing process

The cover letter pattern is, like a mailing, generated and personalized for every contact, thanks to the use of "variable" keywords.

A rigorous and easy tool for your applications follow-up

The applications (spontaneous/job offer) are saved into your contact list, and can be followed-up until you get the recruiter's answer.

A CV creating tool

With many CV patterns at your disposal, CVitae simplifies CV writing process and results in the creation of a professional-looking resume.
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Some advice
  So that you avoid the "blank page"   
  Here are some cover letter examples, for different situations.


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How to write cover lettre

Writing your cover can be one of the most difficult tasks in your job    search. But to write a good letter, you just need to follow some simple rules.
-A cover letter must be customized, or at least as much as you can. Send it to a specific person when you can.
-Be specific and brief. Don't try to sound like a "know-it-all".
-Show your enthusiasm and determination.
-Of course, make sure you spell-checked.
-A cover letter can be filed for future reference, so it must be accurate.
-If you are being referred to a recruiter by a source, it should be mentioned in the first line of your cover letter.
-In an ad-response cover letter, you need to show that your background and skills meet the qualifications they are looking for.

Here are some built-up sentences you can use : 
"Dear Mr / Dear Ms / Dear Recruitment Manager" (avoid "To whom it may concern"!)
" I was interested to see your advertisement for a ... in the Philadelphia Inquirer (03.05.2005)..."
"John Lewitt advised me of an opening position as a project manager position in your company..."
"...I couldn't help noticing how well your requirements align with my experience, education, skills and background."
"Perhaps I am the "multi-talented Project Manager" you seek in you advertisement in today's..."
"Thank you for your attention to these materials. I certainly look forward to exploring this further." 
"On Monday, I'll call you to see when we can meet for an interview." 
"Thanking you most sincerely for your time and consideration"" We should meet to discuss the position. I will contact you in the next...days to arrange an interview"
If you need additional tips or cover letter samples, you can find many interesting websites on the Internet.


CVitae is a Freeware. It is then a completely free software, neither limited in time nor in functionalities. There is no CVitae buying version. You can download it, install it as many times as you wish.You can distribute it and copy it.


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